The film "Darjeeling Limited" directed by Wes Anderson and released in 2007 is a comedy drama that follows the three characters, Peter Whitman and his two brothers Francis and Jack . The three brothers reunite on a train in India called "The Darjeeling Limited" and embark on a spiritual journey to find themselves and seek the unknown after not seeing each other for a year since their father's funeral. Francis, the older brother, has arranged for the three to find each other and reconnect after suffering a near-fatal motorcycle accident, arranging what they do day by day as they travel across the country by train. Peter and Jack become frustrated with the way he controls Francis, as tempers begin to boil and arguments and arguments take place. They are thrown off the train and remain united on their journey to find their mother who had sent them a letter saying she didn't want to see them. In the end they find her and she welcomes them as if they had never been separated, the next morning they discover that their mother has left and they continue their journey on another train. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on "Why Violent Video Games Shouldn't Be Banned"? Get an Original Essay Early on in the film, the first motif that appears is the train, as we learn that the three brothers are on a spiritual journey. The journey and the train signify this, being the place that brings them all together and also takes them on a journey across India to find themselves. We see Francis, Peter and Jack in suits and ties in their cabin as they are asked for tickets, followed by a sweet lime and a red dot is placed in the center of their foreheads signifying the start of their "spiritual journey" as they seek the unknown. They all continue to mourn their father's death as they carry with them a set of luggage marked with his initials and his other personal items. These are all expensive items and mean a lot to them as they talk about how much certain items are worth, for example when Francis is shining his shoes at the first train stop and a child runs away with his shoe he is very disappointed losing one of his very expensive shoes . This however is a sign that Francis finds himself and what is important in this spiritual journey as he replaces it with a cheap shoe purchased in a local Indian market and forgets about his expensive shoes. We experience two journeys in this film; the first is a spiritual journey for brothers and the search for oneself and the second is finding what is important in life. Another symbol seen to help the brothers change during the journey are the cities and temples they visit, the cities that allow them to see how poor communities live and what is important to them and the temples that allow them to spiritually find themselves, or at least take steps towards finding yourself. After being thrown off the train due to a fight that broke out between Francis and Peter, they started walking with all their luggage until they came across three children trying to help each other cross a river until the rope broke and the children face trouble serious. Forgetting about all their luggage and how much their clothes are worth, Francis, Peter and Jack dive into the river and try to save the three children. They manage to save two of the children, however after the raft capsizes, Peter and the child are dragged down the waterway under water and out of a small waterfall with the child he tried to save, subsequently the child dies. Peter takes him out and everyone returns to the village to return the children to their families leaving all their luggage behind. This symbolizes a big step for the three brothers in finding what matters to..