There are many ways and practices available to managers, professionals and educators to carry out their activities for the persuasion of the required objectives, this wide range of choice and awareness makes them ambitious in deciding which is achievable and which is not is and this pushes them to continue trying one or another technique, method and/or process and at this point, according to Pfeffer and Sutton (2006), the tests save them to decide which is the right one. This essay, focusing on this aspect, will constitute a critical reading and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Rousseau's (2006) article on “Is there such a thing as “evidence-based management”. This essay will first introduce how evidence-based management helps managers. Second, it will analyze Rousseau's repeated references to clinical and evidence-based drug development and link them to evidence-based management and the state of evidence-based management practices. Third, Rousseau's use of the story “Making feedback friendly to people” will be critically analyzed. Followed by how there is variation between theory and practice. Fourth, this essay will critically analyze organizational legitimacy, knowledge implementation as a result of evidence-based management, and the roles of schools, teachers, and students in creating the environment for evidence-based management. Rousseau states citing Barlow (2004), DeAngelis (2005), Lemieux Charles & Champ agu (2004), Walshe & Rundall (2001) that evidence-based management helps managers acquire skills and make effective decisions that they otherwise could not make using only your intuition. This evidence is specific not only to the problems addressed but also to the culture and other organizations. Press, Toronto.Pffer,J. 2006, Half-truths and nonsense in management: How to practice evidence-based management, California Management Review, vol.48, No.3Pffer,J. & Sutton, R. 2006, Evidence-based management, Harvard Business Review, January 2006 Rousseau, D. 2006, Is there evidence-based management? , Academy of Management Review, vol.31, 2, pp.256-269 Raine, R. 1998 . “Evidence-Based Policy: Rhetoric and Reality,” Journal of Health Service Research Policy, 3, 4, 251 – 3. Sackett, et al. 2000, Evidence-Based Medicine: How to Practice and Teach EBM, Newyork: Church Living Stone. Walshe, K. & Rundall, T. 2001, Evidence-based management: from theory to practice in health care, Milbank Quarterly, Vol.79, PP.429-457