Tourism is a sought-after endeavor by an individual or group of individuals, leading to a movement from one place to another with the idealism of a specific task, to visit a or more places places with the primary purpose of providing entertainment and increasing knowledge of countries, cultures and their history. The expression 'the largest industry in the world' is universally used in reference to tourism, ensuring its recognition as the largest generator of wealth (over 11.7% of global gross domestic product) and employment (7% of global jobs); this shows that tourism is indeed an important industry that depends on culture and heritage. (Budeanu, 2002) Vancouver is probably one of the most popular tourist destinations in Canada due to many factors, from white-capped mountains to high-energy entertainment, and remembering the last major event to happen in Vancouver, the Olympics; it is clear that this city undoubtedly has something for everyone. Vancouver is considered a developed country; Many people come to this city to be inspired by its beauty, but there is growing concern that the expansion of tourism is leading destinations, like Vancouver, to squander their cultural identity. By responding to the apparent needs of tourists, they seem to forget their roots and the culture they were once proud of. The concern is the latent conflict between economic and cultural interests, which leads to the sacrifice of traditions and customs for reasons of tourism promotion; creating additional economic value at the expense of exhausting cultural value. Tourism is a method of demonstrating community pride and teaching others about their wonderful culture. Although tourism is astronomically i...... middle of paper ......-7 6e3dfcd8c82%40sessionmgr11&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29w Z T1zaXRl#db=bth&AN=48793830#db=bth&AN=48793830Morrison, (2003. Market trends real estate of Vancouver, News and Outlook: Retrieved November 17, 2010, from:, C. (1991 Tourism and Marketing: A Symbiotic Relationship?) /science?_ob=MImg&_imagekey=B6V9R-4 5TVFH6-4 1&_cdi=5905&_user=1067211&_pii=026151779190064Z&_origin=search &_coverDate=06%2F30%2F1991&_sk=999879997&view= tb-zSk Wb&md5=73d880153e08b4913ee7d601f49f60fb&ie= /sdarticle.pdf Schloegel, C. ( 2007). "Sustainable Tourism", Journal of Sustainable Forestry 247 — 264(3)..