Topic > Three Clauses of the Magna Carta - 1265

Unless you are a lawyer or a judge, you have very little idea of ​​how a court works when there is a trial. If you haven't been to court yet, your mind is probably thinking of the scenes from "A Few Good Men" when the Colonel says "You can't handle the truth!" Contrary to popular belief, this is not how a court works. Jury duty is a good way to teach all citizens how part of the legal system works. The Magna Carta is such an important document in the sense that it also had such a great impact on the United States Constitution and its legal system. It has been around for 800 years and there is still so much to learn and interpret from it. The adaptations of the Magna Carta to the Constitution have created a great impact on the legal system of our country. It was affirmative in the sense that jury trials are fair. The Constitution has come into force and will continue to do so for many years to come. Thanks to jury trials, not only are there fair trials, but citizens are also more in touch with their country's legal system and monitor the government to ensure that unconstitutional laws are not enforced. He also makes sure all laws are in place