In the midst of a political outbreak in Mexico, a revolutionary artist was born; Frida Kahlo. Frida Kahlo was born on July 6, 1907. However, she claimed that she was born in 1910, to link her birth to the Mexican Revolution of that year. Frida was fascinated by the rebellions, uprisings and battles that occurred during her adolescence, which would later greatly influence her artwork. Growing up in this time of war, Frida developed characteristics of defiance and social awareness. After a terrible bus accident as a young girl, Frida was incapacitated for a year. During his hospital stay, he began to paint. Her accident required more than 35 medical interventions and left Frida in pain for the rest of her life. He expressed his pain and suffering through his artwork; intense and colorful self-portraits. In 1929 Frida married Diego Rivera, a well-known muralist. The couple separated in 1939 after numerous affairs on both sides, but remarried in 1941. Her relationship with Diego was inconsistent to say the least, as Frida had many affairs with other men and women. His bisexuality was...