To celebrate the dignity, strength and beauty of the athletes during the ancient Olympics, de Coubertin said that the athletes could not be professionals, they could not take any type of substance to enhance their performance, and could not be "unsullied by commercialism (Lang, 1)." In a typical Olympic advertisement there would be an image of an athlete with a laurel wreath on top of his head. Crowns were placed on the head of the winner of the event during the time of the ancient Olympics. Behind the image of the athlete there would be the Olympic rings. Pierre de Coubertin created the rings in 1913 to symbolize the harmonious union of all the different continents. Each of the five rings is the same size to show equality and each ring is a different color. The ring colors from left to right are blue, yellow, black, green and red, with a white background. These six colors were chosen because each country participating in the games has at least one of the six colors in its flag. In the poster there would also be the image of a chariot to symbolize the victory and the history of the games (Lang,