Topic > Narrative Essay on Lady Gaga - 865

It didn't seem real, suddenly the pain in my legs and the heat of all the crowded bodies went away. It was right in front of us. He performed many of his hit songs including Perfect Illusion, Just Dance, Poker Face, Telephone and The Edge of Glory (which shared many tears. The night ended suddenly at 11.57pm. He closed with his single of hit Million Reasons on the piano, the last thing she said to us "Why darling, I just need a nice one... You know what, I see a really nice one" and she pointed to us on the stage with the piano with nothing left but the microphone stand, the piano stool with its pink hat and finally the piano stood up The lights came on and suddenly the pain in my feet returned, it was hot, sad and finished. It felt so different from anything imaginable. I felt empty and at the same time so full. During that concert, the fans, Gaga, the images and the music really brought people together and made it the most incredible experience. breathtaking of my life so far. The wait has been long but I only wish I could have waited longer. I wish I could go back to that morning at 4:45 and get everything ready