“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Although the United States is moving towards a more democratic political system, the framers of the constitution aim to create a republican government. The word democracy is never even mentioned in the United States Constitution the founding fathers of the united states met to create a new system of government, they envisioned a system that would limit the power of government and protect the rights of individuals The framers wanted popular consensus but with limits on the amount A republican government, for definition, celebrates freedom and individual rights, but views excessive government and a majority as a threat to individuals. (p. 5) A democratic government is ruled by the majority without considering the thoughts or well-being of minorities. By basing the new government on a republican ideal, the authors hoped to create a system in which all men were equal and enjoyed certain inalienable rights. (p. 7) However, this equality and rights did not extend to women, slaves, or the poor. Since it was believed that humans reached the highest levels of morality and virtue by participating in government, (p. 6) it would only make sense to create government for the people by the people. But to limit government and protect citizens' rights, the new government should consist of a system of checks and balances. This is why the three……middle of paper……advanced the interest of the needy but not the common good of all. (p. A-35) Democracy guarantees that the majority will rule, and in most cases, the majority is made up of the less fortunate and the poor. In a democracy the minority has no rights and is subject only to the privileges granted by the dictatorship of the majority. A good example of democracy in action is lynching. The majority decides the guilt of the minority and acts based on popular consensus. Republican ideals help protect the minority from the majority and limit the power of both the majority and the government. Both forms have their positive and negative sides and the US government is a mix of all these points. Works Cited Greenberg, Edward S., and Benjamin I. Page. “Chapter 1: The American Democratic Republican.” American government. New York: Pearson Longman, 2012. 3-19. Press.