In class, we would always explore how other countries celebrated their holidays like Cinco De Mayo and Hanukkah. We also had the opportunity to take foreign languages and the foreign language courses you took also taught about the countries that speak these languages. The information we learned about other cultures was reinforced by our peers who were from these respective cultures through discussion. Just as teachers have done to integrate diversity into the classroom, much of our multicultural experiences have occurred outside the classroom. It seemed like a shadow that you didn't notice until, for one reason or another, you looked directly at it. Multicultural experiences took place everywhere. It took place in the dining room, when we were arguing about which culture had the best food (which is still debated today, I'm sure). It took place while he was getting ready in the locker room for a football game, remembering what it was like to celebrate the holiday season the year before. It took place in our hearts, when someone shared their pain regardless of the culture we affiliated with because human culture is