Teachers' interests, such as promotion or career development, conflict with students' interest in an enthusiastic and innovative teacher. Disciplinary power also limits teachers and students to certain expectations, resulting in limitations on their actions (Burbules, 1986). Teachers expect obedience and manipulation from students, while students' perceptions of maintaining consensual relationships vary due to their prior interpersonal experience outside of the classroom. As a result, conflicts occur between teachers' expectations and students' performance due to the limitation of disciplinary power in the school and classroom environment. There are also privileges that protect teachers' freedom in the classroom, but which do not exist for students. Teachers are allowed to eat or drink while students are prohibited from doing so. To summarize this section, it is recognized in this research that the power of education and schools is intrinsic and omnipresent in every aspect of education. Power relations and conflicts in schools and classrooms are notable and reflect a complex interrelationship between each party. The following section considers the position of teachers and their power as a place for discussion to lay the foundations for the future