In March 2007 a study by McClatchy newspapers found that the ranks of the severely poor are rapidly growing (Williams, 2007). The study showed that the level of poverty in America has reached its highest point in 32 years (Williams, 2007). Nearly sixteen million Americans were found to be in a deep to severe level of poverty (Williams, 2007). The level of poverty has increased since the economic collapse of 2009. But has the increased level of poverty led to an increase in violence? Many external effects are often overlooked when examining the correlation between poverty and crime. One such factor is a higher rate of mental illness among low-income people (Taylor, 2006). Poverty also causes higher levels of stress which can lead people to engage in criminal acts. But the same can be said for the rich in this country. Consider the economic collapse and the actions of the boards of directors of WorldCom and Enron. But poverty can create special circumstances that lead to crime. Crime offers a way in which people stuck in a life of poverty can obtain material goods that they often cannot obtain through any available legitimate means (Taylor, 2006). Threat or force is often used to help them acquire even more assets, this causes them to commit violent acts such as robbery, which is the second most common violent crime (Taylor, 2006). For many poor people, the reward from the criminal act may outweigh the risk of getting caught, especially considering that their opportunity cost is lower than that of a wealthier person. Things like these can perpetuate the idea that poverty causes violence (Taylor, 2006). However, many other factors influence crime and are also related to poverty. ...... middle of paper ...... neighborhoods-fall-behind-in-school.htmPlumer, B. (2010, October 22). The relationship between crime rate and poverty | The New Republic. The New Republic. Retrieved June 15, 2011, from Taylor, B. (n.d.). Poverty and crime: fundamental finance. Fundamental economics. Retrieved June 14, 2011, from, S. (2008, August 24). Poverty = crime? Scholars disagree - GazetteXtra. GazetteXtra. Retrieved June 14, 2011, from, J. (n.d.). Poverty and crime. Christian Association for Prison Post-Operative Care (CAPA): networking of prison post-operative care providers. Retrieved June 14, 2011, from