Prostitution is called the oldest profession that can have bad or good postures. While in past centuries there was a more positive perception of prostitution because it was considered an inevitable evil. Then, the attitude that the United States has towards prostitution has an important influence in the majority of states. This is the case of Utah which in the 20th century implemented a policy of prohibiting prostitution which affects in many ways the lives of sex workers who find themselves in a vulnerable situation because they are persecuted and marginalized because of their profession. Overview of how sex workers are involved was bleak in most situations. Most of them were assaulted in childhood, on many occasions they were turned into prostitution during childhood, and few of these sex workers said they were in this profession because they chose to. They don't have an easy life because they are sometimes addicted to some drugs or have mental health problems. They do not have health coverage or other necessary services like the rest of the population 1...