I was staring blankly at the clock like I always did at this time of day. It was almost 2 and school let out at 2:20, so I was ready to go home and take a nap. Of course, my English teacher, Mrs. Bruss, had to give us homework at the last minute while she continued to stutter. I wondered how much longer he could go on with the instructions for our task. Luckily the PA system cut her off and a woman said, “Erykah Jackson at College Center, please!” Looks like I was done with that class, I didn't even think twice, I packed my bags because I knew I wasn't going back. I hated English and everything about it. As I walked down the stairs to the College Center I wondered what I was called there for. I had never been there before, plus I thought it was for seniors and I was only a junior. As I walked into the College Center I see three of my friends sitting around the desk of Mrs. Maxwell, the College and Career Center coordinator. I said goodbye to my friends as I made my way to the desk. But before I could say anything, Mrs. Maxwell says, "Girl, why didn't you come to see me sooner!" My friends were smiling and giggling among themselves, but I didn't know what to say, so I just smiled and sat with them at the desk. Ms. Maxwell said she had had the opportunity to participate in a highly selective program called the Student Board of Trustees at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. He said he chose my friends because of the relationship he built with them, plus they had the votes to support all the good personalities. Then she turned to me and said that she could have taken care of me if it wasn't for my friends who spoke well of me. She hardly believed what they said because... middle of paper.... I can say that I learned more as a teacher's assistant in Mrs. Maxwell's class than I have learned in an English class in a long time. That initial bonding experience between me and her set the tone for the rest of my high school year. She was more than just a teacher, she was a mentor. Helping me realize my potential as a writer. It was the first time I felt comfortable enough with someone to spend hours with someone working on a document. I used to work alone if a teacher made me do peer editing then I would do it but I would never go alone. I didn't want anyone to see how flawed my writing was. This helped me understand that everyone has writing problems and everyone needs help looking for errors in their documents. Nobody writes that in the beginning it is perfect. I still struggle with writing, the difference is that I know it's okay to ask for help.