Topic > The Inadequate Ideal - 522

Because most people think that the “ideal” is impossible to achieve, they are led to feel inadequate. The idea of ​​perfection is a mere deception because the obsession of trying to achieve perfection is taken to extremes, perfection is based on individual opinion and there is no such thing as actual perfection. The idea of ​​perfection is completely individual. We base our idea of ​​perfection on our interests, abilities and style. What may be perfection for one person is not at all perfect for another. For example, Zeke Cohen in the discussion of Ms. EN's four class redheads said, "My friends like blondes and I like red hair because we see perfection differently." Even though this is a silly example, it is one hundred percent true. What are we really looking for if everyone is looking for something different? This is what makes perfection confusing. One person is achieving their own “perfection” while another is achieving a completely different “perfection”. The whole idea is just a distorted opinion. Another problem with pursuing the “ideal” is that there is no such thing. Tina Fey said: “Every girl...