Introduction: Legal Professional Established definitively through constitutional writings and indisputably recognized in landmark court cases, the laws in the United States have been effectively interpreted, defended, and protected by legal professionals every culture, ethnicity and race. Justifying the defense of innocence falls on the highly motivated and extremely enthusiastic individuals who practice, preserve and protect the laws and governance created by federal, state and local governments. The United States Constitution provides legal teams with a historically formulated road map of laws; open to interpretations that only highly experienced and highly educated legal professionals can decipher. The freedoms of the accused within this nation depend on the expert experience, tactics, techniques and strategies of legal practitioners. Legal teams across the country represented accused individuals, guilty criminals and corrupt organizations. Legal practitioners play a vital role within the criminal justice system and although laws are intended to provide types of behavioral conformity within social norms, it too must be protected from abuse by government officials who practice the application of the law, therefore, legal operators guarantee the legitimate judicial balance in the system seeking justice. Although lawyers and prosecutors provide the litigation aspect of judicial functions, assistants provide the legal backbone and the direction in which lawyers will travel during litigation. Lawyers: Criminal defense lawyers are hired privately; charged with legally defending an individual accused of a crime and representing him or her in court (Schmallger, 2009, p. 329). Practicing as an effective lawyer... middle of paper... perception of law enforcement practices, or not. It is the responsibility to ensure the safety of the accused when such situations arise and without legal professionals, the responsibility would continue, unchecked, unbalanced and unfairly applied to the lives of innocently accused individuals. Works Cited ABA. (2014, April 13). Model Rules of Professional Conduct. Retrieved from American Bar Association:, E. A. (2013, October 13). Cultural jurisprudence. Ebsco Host, p. 1.NALA. (2014, April 13). Supreme Court recognition. Retrieved from The Association of Legal Assistance:, F. (2009). The Defense Council. In F. Schmallger, Criminal Justice Today (pp. 329-334). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.