Engaged citizenship is the third form of citizenship and allows citizens to shape how they want their country to function and to be seen to have a different approach than voting. This form is more informal and operates regularly on a voluntary basis. To participate in this form there are many opportunities ranging from acting as a government monitor to protesting and exercising the right to assembly. Different methods like these are ways to institute real change beyond voting. This form also includes the improvement of society from a human point of view. Helping the less fortunate through donations or volunteering in places like soup kitchens or shelters can change lives and ultimately make society stronger and more united. The most overlooked way to participate is to choose the products you purchase carefully and from an informed perspective as a consumer. Informed consumers determine which products remain in circulation and express their opinions about these products to the companies that produce them by purchasing products made with a particular process or made with or without certain ingredients. Examples might include buying grains without artificial preservatives or organic produce grown without pesticides. Small acts like these sculpt society into what we citizens want it to be, beyond what the government