Topic > The Preamble: A Promise to Protect the Citizens of…

Even though there are flaws in the government, they still kept the promise mentioned in the Preamble. As we all know, the United States has a military to defend the country. In the preamble it says “to provide for the common defense” (, 2015). This states that the government will provide an army to protect us at home. Many different military branches are out there defending the rights afforded to us. None of our rights were taken away by an invasion of our country. The preamble states “to promote the general welfare…” (, 2015). This means that citizens would be assisted by the federal government. The federal government will try to take care of each citizen as best as possible. For example, people who don't earn enough can receive social assistance to help them. Furthermore, hospitals are placed everywhere to care for the sick or injured. The next line of the preamble is “and we secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our prosperity…” (, 2015). This line was included in the PROMISE TO THE PEOPLE