Elements of Mechanical Engineering by NM Bhatt and JR Mehta, Mahajan Publishing House 2. Basic Mechanical Engineering by Pravin Kumar, Pearson 3. Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering by GS Sawhney, PHI Publication New Delhi 4. Elements of Mechanical Engineering by Sadhu Singh S. Chand Publication 5. Introduction to Technical Materials by BK Agrawal Tata McGraw Hill Publication, New Delhi Suggested Theory Distribution: The suggested theory distribution according to Bloom's taxonomy is the following. This distribution serves as guidelines for teachers and students to achieve an effective teaching-learning process Distribution of theory for course delivery and evaluation Remember Understand Apply Apply Analyze Evaluate Create 20% 20% 30% 15% 10% 5% Suggested list of experiments:1. Demonstrate various mechanical items, hand tools and power tools.2. Demonstrate various methods of power transmission.3. Study different materials joining processes4. Demonstrate various machining tools such as lathe, drill and milling