Topic > Lupus Essay - 1052

Treatments are planned and put together for that particular patient, because no two cases of lupus are exactly the same, but the focus is on improving quality of life through symptom control and minimizing "flare-ups". This starts with changing your lifestyle, including sun protection which requires sunscreen, meaning going out as little as possible when it's sunny, a bit like a vampire, and most importantly, a diet. Get enough sleep, rest your muscles from this agonizing disease, regularly oversleep, people say moving more can help with joint pain and fatigue, doctors suggest not smoking. Lupus patients are prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, and steroids. If you are a Lupus patient, the signs and symptoms come on and then subside, it means that there will be a fluctuation in the medication, to regulate the way the body has flare-ups. Sometimes alternative or complementary medicine can benefit people with Lupus, including fish oil, which contains omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, because lupus patients suffer from lack of sunlight.