Obesity can affect people's health because it contributes to hypertension, diabetes and depression, which contribute to low self-esteem. Obesity is defined as an excessive amount of body fat. It increases the risk of diseases and health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension (Mayo Clinic, 2013). Children who have parents with obesity at home are more likely to become obese. According to Lankford (2007), research shows that children who are overweight or obese have a 90% chance of becoming overweight as adults, which is why experts say it is important to help children develop healthy habits as early as possible. Having obese parents also increases the risk of the child being obese. Obesity can cause diabetes, due to the buildup of sugar in the blood due to a lack of insulin produced by the pancreas. According to MedicineNet, Inc. (2013), insulin is needed to transport blood glucose (sugar) into muscle and fat cells (which is then used for energy). By transporting glucose into cells, insulin keeps blood glucose levels in the normal range. Insulin resistance is the condition in which the effectiveness of insulin in transporting glucose (sugar) into cells is reduced. Fat cells are more resistant to insulin than muscle cells; therefore, an important cause of insulin resistance is obesity. The pancreas initially responds to insulin resistance by producing more insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced naturally in the pancreas. Insulin helps move blood sugar, or glucose, into cells. Since the body uses blood sugar as fuel, insulin is very important (Levemir, 2013). As long as the pancreas can produce enough insulin to overcome this resistance, bloo...... half of the article ......nsafety-and-obesity.Jungbunzlauer (2014). Gluconic acid. Retrieved from http://www.jungbunzlauer.com/products-applications/products/gluconates/gluconic-acid/general-information.html.Landsberg, B. (2012). Becoming a former diabetic. St. Abans, Herts, AL: Anoma Press Ltd. Lankford, R. (2007). Can diets be harmful? Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press.Levemir (2013). What is insulin? How insulin affects blood sugar. Retrieved from http://www.levemir.com/startingoninsulin/whatisinsulin.aspx.ReferencesMayo Clinic (2013). Obesity. Retrieved from http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/obesity/DS00314.MedicineNet, Inc. (2013). Obesity. Retrieved from http://www.medicinenet.com/obesity_weight_loss/article.htm. Sherwood, C. (2014). How do glucose test strips work? eLike health. Retrieved from http://www.ehow.com/how-does_4898797_glucose-test-strips-work.html.