Comic LiteratureIt's funny how time flies and how memory seems to accompany it. I remember when I was fourteen I decided to write the great American novel. Then I thought I would like the dreaded of all subjects, English. I tried well. I gave 110% on the writing assignments, read most of what they told us was good, and tried really diligently to care about the gerund. But like it or not, much of English was drier than my grandmother's skin. I tried to remember some of the things my classmates and I read in middle school English class and I managed to find a few: The Canterbury Tales, Romeo and Juliet and A Rose for Emily, apart from that, I draw a void. It seems I spent less time reading the textbook than reading the comics I hid inside. I now look back on that time fondly. The 1980s and early 1990s were a revolutionary time for comics. With comics writers like Grant Morrison, Frank Miller, and Alan Moore, kids didn't go from reading comics to reading other things; comics seemed to mature with us. Of course, our teachers didn't notice the literary revolution that would happen in the next few books – I'd bet that most of our teachers hadn't read a comic since their youth. But now the comic book readers of the '80s are coming of age, we're entering the workforce, we're slowly taking over the world, and it's time to make some changes. If I were to ask teachers if they taught or considered incorporating comics into their lessons, the answer I would expect from most would be “no.” Comics, while another form of creative writing is not represented in almost all literature textbooks today, even though comics have been around for centuries. According to Will Eisner, comic book creator and advocate for comics in the classroom, "Long before the invention of the alphabet, which depends on readers' ability to memorize its code, sequential images were used to record knowledge and communicate learning experiences. man, both read and imaginary” (75). I think this problem may have started because comics are not simply a word-based medium like a short story is. Instead, comics are words juxtaposed with works of art – works d art that often seems very iconic, almost – dare I say – cartoonish. .