I didn't care, I still tried. The claps they made us do were easy, the jumps were the jumps I did in first grade. I created the team. I was happy even if deep down I was sorry that I could be part of the worst team in history. So when I started joining the team, I quickly realized that my idiot of a brother had no idea what he was talking about and it was a good team. I wanted to go back to my old coach so I could learn how to do a back hand flip because everywhere I went I couldn't do it. Some coaches have told me it might be because I don't trust them enough to do it. So I had a private lesson with her before her regular cheer workouts. We were working on my laps and cart wheels when she walked away to answer the phone. I went for my spin and didn't land well and fell because it felt like my knee had given out. I got up and kept trying. When it came time for his teams to practice, I was sitting on the floor in pain doing stretching exercises with the girls thinking maybe if I just stretched it I would feel better, not so. I ignored it for a while until I went home and took my shoes off and my feet swelled up like a balloon. I could barely walk