Topic > Smoking Advertising: Kill a Cigarette and Save a Life

The logos in the image are difficult to determine. For example, there is no plausible circumstance in which cigarette smoke could turn into a weapon and harm someone. This is more of a symbolic and imaginary explanation. The wording in the ad provides a realistic appeal. The very small font reads "Kill a cigarette and save a life." Yours." Now, there is a lot that can be understood from these words. Does quitting smoking save lives? The answer is yes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention points out that quitting smoking reduces the chance of cancer or other health problems. So, even if the facts in the ad are true, “killing a cigarette” can save “your” life. This is why this ad is designed effectively relies on very little information to communicate, and the text does; it offers a small statement that has realistic truth. A person is able to look at the ad and conclude that the ad is legitimate because it stands to reason that smoking can cause disease and bring to