Men and women of all races are subject to change due to persistent demands for coverage. Women are forced to adapt to cover demands in many ways, such as sororities, partner relationships, and social work environments. Kimmel states, “Girls who learn to adapt to Guyland run the risk of becoming adult women who adapt uncompromisingly” (Kimmel 261). The intransigence he refers to is the immutable behavior of men but according to Kimmel, a woman's love cannot change a man's behavior. Their love is not transformative and therefore they must change their behavior (covering) to adapt to the intransigence of men. Comparable to humans, society's intransigence is also something that humans are unable to change. The ways of humanity have been established and unchanged so that others must assimilate to the norms. Yoshino describes the evolution of covering in this statement “Covering has enjoyed such a robust and stubborn life because it is a form of assimilation. At least…this country touted assimilation as the way Americans of different backgrounds would be “fused into a new race of men” (Yoshino 294). This quote describes how coverage has existed for a long period of time. For this reason, humanity has not been able to change assimilation and is forced to adapt to the intransigence of