Nurses have an important role to play in the healthcare sector. They assist doctors and other medical specialists in offices, hospitals and specialty clinics. Nurses must enroll in and complete special training in an RN or LPN program to qualify for nursing occupations. Additionally, they can take continuing nursing education courses that will lead to better jobs, such as specialized training available in the target fields. Nurses will spend more time with patients than doctors, which makes communication skills vital to a thriving nursing career. Therefore, future nursing graduates should implement life skills along with basic nursing skills (PDF) obtained through accredited nursing programs. Many nursing schools offer online nursing programs; however, online RN programs and online LPN programs will not provide the intensive social skills needed when working in critical healthcare and patient areas. Initial Training Prospective students should earn a nursing degree or license through an accredited nursing program available for several degree levels, including nursing. nursing, licensed practical nursing, or registered nursing. Many accredited colleges and universities offer associate and bachelor's nursing programs. Some prospective students may choose an accredited technical school to receive the training needed to pass the licensing exam. Conduct the appropriate research to determine whether the institution offers accredited programs. Nursing programs will provide students with the nursing skills needed to enter the workforce after completing all applicable exams to obtain a license. Befriend a Mentor Nursing graduates should seek out a knowledgeable mentor for advice and… half of the paper. ....providing relevant information to the patient and his family. In fact, the nurse should detect the inconsistency between verbal and nonverbal communication and then try to resolve any underlying problems using critical thinking skills. Nurses should also value their patients and families by recognizing the importance of concerns and taking time to listen to their concerns. A competent nurse should initiate a conversation with the patient and his or her family that remains unusually calm. These indispensable interpersonal skills should be practiced through role-playing and evaluated by peers and clinical instructors to ensure satisfactory outcomes in the workplace. Interpersonal skills should also be used among other nurses, including promoting a positive work environment, delegating responsibilities (PDF), and assisting other staff when necessary.