IntroductionThe purpose of this research study was to identify student perception of engaging in physical activities through their study. In this chapter the study will explain the topic of this study based on the previous case study, journal and thesis related to this topic. The goal of this study is to review research related to the theoretical framework of student engagement. Physical Activities The discussion regarding student involvement in physical activities is based on Student Engagement: A Developmental Theory for Higher Education, a theory, as proposed by Alexander W. Astin. The theory is applied to the scope of the study conducted by emphasizing the amount of physiological and psychological participation of students in physical activities. According to Astin, involvement has the same definition as motivation, it only differs in the scope of application since from a psychological point of view it has the same weight. This theory serves as support for much of the literature discussed in this section, which suggests that students' involvement in physical activities is based on how students' resources influence the consequences of their involvement in related activities (Astin, 1984). These resources can be available free time, facilities and more. However, in this study, only the availability of facilities is considered as a controlling factor as there is a high difference in access to facilities among the student sample. Talking about physical activities, there are two main types of physical activities; physical exercise or sport. Both are two different terminologies; exercise is physical activity performed for the sake of health and fitness, and sport is an activity involving physical effort and skill in which a… medium of paper… adapts to the environment. (Edward L. Deci, 2008) The study conducted by Sarah focuses on a leisure sample, in order to determine how much they are motivated to carry out physical activity when they are free, which highlights the importance of maintaining a good image when not one is influenced by barriers that prevents them from being active. Appearance-based results report the highest level of extrinsic motivation, especially for those who view appearance as a necessity rather than conformity (Sarah McLachlan, 2010). Since motivation is grouped by type, that type is presumably related to culture, as different citizen has different culture. However, considering this from the perspective of basic needs as a global motivation, one gets a wider range of contingencies as the similarity between the human need for competence and relatedness is found acceptable in almost all cultures (Edward L. Deci, 2008).