DEVELOPMENT OF COMPUTER The first generation of computers, dating back to the year 1945, was relatively large in size and very expensive due to the technology we had at that time. Goes by the name "Colossus", it was the first electronic computer developed. These are programmable, digital, electronic computing devices. Vacuum tubes or known as vacuum tubes are used to perform calculations. It serves as a purpose to solve the mathematical problem faced by the British military during World War II. Colossus is used to decrypt secret German message messages during World War II. However, the Colossus' existence was kept secret until decades after the war. The first generation of computers was mainly used by the military, it is not commercially available for use by citizens. In 1946, the first ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was completely built, development began in 1943 which resulted in the ENIAC developer taking 3 to 4 years to build it. This computer was designed by 2 people: John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert from USA. Like the Colossus, the ENIAC has done a lot in space. They occupied up to 170 square meters of space, the equivalent of a large room. Thousands of vacuum tubes, diodes, relays, resistors, capacitors and a million solder joints are used to program ENIAC. The ENIAC weighs up to around 30 tonnes and consumes a large amount of energy, around 150 kW. This is not practical since vacuum tubes often break and need to be replaced. Finding broken vacuum tubes is not an easy job to do, so it requires a longer time of hours, days and even weeks to plan it properly. The ENIAC is intended to be a device for printing cooking charts by... paper... computers with the intent of promoting computing throughout the world. It can be easily accessible to anyone to develop a program or anything that contributes to the development of computers. For fifth generation computers, currently under development with the goal of developing a device capable of responding to natural language input, capable of learning and also self-organization. It can be said as a development of artificial intelligence. Even though the technology is in development, there are still some applications that are widely used today such as voice recognition. Fifth generation computers will be based on quantum and molecular computing and nanotechnology. The face of computers we will see in the future will significantly change. It is believed that fifth generation computers will equal the power of human intelligence.