Topic > Multimedia Messages - 576

Media Messages - Orange is the New Black Orange is the New Black is an American comedy-drama series set in a women's prison in New York state. The series tells the story of Piper Chapman who is sentenced to 15 months in prison for carrying drug money for her drug dealer girlfriend. Unfortunately, the crime occurred ten years before the start of the series, so Piper has to sacrifice her good life in New York with her boyfriend Larry to serve time in prison. Since the setting is a women's prison, there are many aspects that viewers will describe as "normal" and there are other instances where they will call certain actions and behaviors taboo. Over the course of an episode of Orange is the New Black, the viewer will be able to identify power behaviors, sexual orientation, and the role that race plays in the series. These values ​​not only influence the viewer's thoughts about how society works through verbal communication, but also show how nonverbal interactions are just as important. Just like any other prison facility, there is a certain h...