Topic > Factors influencing freshmen's course preference...

Researchers conducted a survey at De La Salle Lipa, which offers engineering courses. This process was done to have first-hand data on the factors that influence the preference of first-year female university students choosing the degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering. The proponents of this research paper have prepared survey sheets using English language since this study is about communication skills. Answers to survey questions can be supported by ideas from published books and websites discovered by researchers while studying the said topic. The researchers were tasked with having 25 respondents. The stated number of respondents is evenly split based on the number of engineering courses offered at De La Salle Lipa. The graph below (G1) illustrates the factors that influence the course preference of first-year female students in the engineering department.G1In general, the factors that influence the course preference of an undergraduate engineering student are personal characteristics (Admissions Education, n.d. ), career influences (Michigan Tech, 2013), and limitations. The results in the first question are very close to each other. Even though the overall counts are close to each other, the career influence is dominant among the other choices. This finding is similar to the research study; According to James et. The whole range of study preferences, reputation of the courses and institution, course admission scores, easy access to home and characteristics of the institution significantly influenced the applicant's choice of institution ( 1999). It also has similarities to the findings of Foskett et al. (2006), according to which students consider more carefully the fa... engineering-and-not-afraid-of-being-disruptive-from-time-to-time/> Donaldson, K. (1999). The survival guide for engineering students. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. New York. p.32-33.Fortuna. Asian edition. (8 October 2012) number 14, page. 30Hair, J. F. Jr., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., Anderson, R. E., & Tatham, R. L. (2006). Multivariate data analysis (6th edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. James, R., Baldwin, G. and McInnis, C. (1999), Which university? The factors that influence the choices of future university students, evaluation program and surveys. Higher Education Division, Australia. Michigan Tech. (1885). Engineer Salary Statistics 2013. Retrieved 2014 from website: United Nations Gender Strategic Framework in the Philippines. (2005). United Nations System Philippines.p.29-20.