Health at work can affect all individuals in life. Occupational health refers to the identification of physical and chemical hazards present in the workplace in order to create a safer working environment for individuals (Friis, 2006). Illnesses resulting from accidents at work are called Occupational Illnesses. Occupational diseases are the consequences of exposure to general conditions or specific risks arising from the work environment. Health risks in the workplace can cause possible risks due to toxic chemicals, fumes and dust, high noise levels, ionizing and non-ionising radiation, high temperatures, biological hazards and stress which can be classified as psychological and social risks (Friis, 2006). The importance and goal of occupational health is to create a safe environment for people in the workplace and to protect colleagues, family members, employers, customers and the community at large. Many notable people have contributed to occupational health. In Greek and Roman times there was recognition of the risks and dangers associated with health at work. Prominent individuals who contributed to occupational health were Pliny the Elder, Hippocrates, Galen, Rhazes, Agricola, Paraccelsus, Bernardino Ramazzini, Sir Percival Pott, Irving Selikoff, and Dr. Alice Hamilton (Friis, 2006). The founder of occupational health, Bernardino Ramazzini describes the dangerous effect of certain jobs. He explains these dangers in his 1700 work De Morbis Artificum Diatriba (Felton, 1997). De Morbis Artificum Diatriba highlighted the threats posed by hazardous chemicals, dusts and metals used in the workplace (Friis, 2006). Disease that has been found in historical literature that were dangers in... middle of paper.... .. feet on the head. My father died instantly from head trauma. That's why I believe that strong regulations must be introduced in the workplace to promote safety, keep people safe and save lives. As a group, we worked together cohesively. One aspect that I notice, I was the youngest in the group and I organized the meetings to work on the project. I took the lead position as no one contacts anyone to meet or arrange a meeting. All in all, everyone put in a lot of effort and got their work done on time. Works Cited Felton, J. S. "The Legacy of Bernardino Ramazzini." Rapid Science Publishers for SOM. 47.3 (1997): 167-179. Print.Friis, Robert. Essentials of environmental health. 1st. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2007, 2006. 390. Print.Greene, Jacqueline, and Drehel Dave. The Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire. 1st. Bearport Publishing, 2007, 352. Print.