Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, have been used since the Civil War, according to the U.S. Department of Defense. The idea of unmanned aerial vehicles has grown more and more with each conflict our nation has encountered. The use of drones is now fully operational and ranges from military operations to rescue operations. Controversies over the increased use of drones include targeted killings by the military and drone surveillance in the United States. Targeted killings have proven effective and favorable against terrorism, but some have seen it as a violation of human rights. The first targeted killing took place in Yemen, November 2002; a predator drone fired on a vehicle containing six suspected Al Qaeda members. This event took place a few months after President Bush proposed the invasion of Iraq to Congress. It is known that President Bush authorized approximately fifty drone strikes during his term, while President Obama signed off on over four hundred drone strikes. The affordability, precision and lack of operator of drones make them ideal...