A. Nutrition education needs The intervention is aimed at pregnant Hispanic adolescents. In 2012, 305,420 children were born to women between the ages of 15 and 19 (United States). Furthermore, one in five births in the same age group occurred to women who had already had one or more children (United States). Hispanics currently have the highest teen birth rates, and according to the charts, Texas is one of the states with the highest teen birth rates (USA). Expecting a baby during the teenage years poses a threat to the future child, not just in the early years. , but also in the years to come of the child's life (klein). Teenage mothers are still growing up, with a growing baby to care for in the womb now; causes nutrient competition between baby and mother (sch). Nutrient competition means that the mother should consume a very nutrient-rich diet consisting of lots of fruits and vegetables along with high-quality prenatal vitamins (sch). Many people do not consume enough fruits and vegetables as it is, without supporting a growing child. Therefore, you need to educate yourself on how to incorporate these nutrient-dense foods into your everyday life and how many servings of fruits and vegetables are necessary. Variety to obtain all the necessary vitamins and minerals is also a lesson to be taught to the entire target population.B. The Theory of Planned Behavior The theory of planned behavior is an individual's intention to change behavior (Ajen). This is determined by both the personal attitude towards the new behavior and the perception of social pressure to change the behavior (from PP). An individual is more likely to implement changes if he believes that the new behavior will most likely lead to constructive outcomes (from PP). They are also more... middle of paper... Pregnancy: Current trends and issues. Pediatrics. Available at: http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/116/1/281.long. Accessed February 20, 2014.2. Schott TO., Hediger, Mary L., Schall, Joan I, Khoa, Chor-San and Fishcer, Richard L. Maternal growth during pregnancy and competition for nutrients. I'm J Clin Nutr. Available at: http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/60/2/183.long. Accessed: February 24, 2014.3. Wisconsin Department of Education. Teaching nutrition through family and consumer science: A curriculum for middle schools. http://ne.dpi.wi.gov/files/fns/pdf/tncurr.pdf. Accessed 31 March 2014.Boyle MA, Holben DH. Community nutrition in action: and entrepreneurial approach. 6th ed. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth; 2013: PAGES ON THEORY. Ajzen I. The theory of planned behavior. Thousand Oaks, California. SAGE Publications; 2012. 438-459.