Benefits of Technology in Pediatric Hospital Research There are several factors that influence the efficient use of technology in healthcare research. The major factors contributing to the effective use of information technology at Cincinnati Children's Hospital and Medical Center are data security, data availability, data analytics, and the reduction of medical errors. According to Bates and Gawande (2003) “The increasing sophistication of computers and software should enable information technology to play a vital role in reducing this risk by optimizing care, identifying and correcting errors, assisting in decisions and providing feedback on performance” ( p2526). Information technology at the Children's Hospital Research Foundation is used to improve outcomes, reduce the number of medical errors, and help medical research in pediatrics achieve better results that will benefit families in the community and the nation. Management Approach In biomedical informatics, management is IT savvy and constantly evaluates various new technology sources to provide researchers with the best information gathering, sharing, and analysis techniques. Management's primary goal is to help researchers acquire and analyze data as effectively and efficiently as possible. The management's approach is based on certain vision and mission statements to serve the research community. Most CHRF leadership staff expect computer technology to help researchers at Cincinnati Children's capture data for their studies with minimal errors. Management also wants future researchers to have the ability to search data to support...... middle of paper ......ability to develop data entry forms using rapid development tools as well as performing ad hoc queries against millions of rows in the data warehouse is proving to be very efficient for researchers when the government is limiting the funds allocated for research and at the same time reducing the duration of grants. The use of the latest technology and management support really helped the researchers get what they needed at the right time. Works Cited Bates, D., & Gawade, A. (2003, June). Improving security with information technology. New England Journal of Medicine, 345(25), Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. (2011). Support for clinical research | Research key IT services. Retrieved from Children's Hospital Medical Center. (2011). i2b2 research data repository. Retrieved from