St. Francis of AssisiS. Francis is considered a legendary hero and a popular saint. He was born in 1181, at the center of an era of great growth and expansion of the medieval West, in Assisi, the place where it was strongest. His parents were Pietro and Pica Bernardone. His father was a wealthy silk merchant. Saint Francis spent his childhood living an extravagant life and seeking pleasure. He was always in trouble and ran around Assisi with his friends, eating, drinking and having fun. He went to war to fight for Assisi against Perugia and was taken prisoner in 1202. He was eventually released and, once again, returned to his old carefree ways. He became seriously ill for a while, but then returned to war in 1205. He had a vision of Christ in Spoleto, followed by another vision on his way back to Assisi. One vision was of Christ telling him, "Go and rebuild my church. It is falling." These visions are what changed his lifestyle forever. Despite his rich and comfortable life, St. Francis chose a life of poverty. He wore rags and wooden shoes with bare feet. His father became angry at this and threatened to disown him. Francis returned to his father the money and clothes he had taken to help rebuild the church and severed relations with his father. Francis rebuilt San Damiano with the money he asked for from his fellow citizens. In 1206 he went on a pilgrimage to Rome, identifying with the poor and helping to care for those suffering from "leprosy". For two or three years he lived alone, wandering. Eventually, seven disciples joined him. Some of them were older, some were middle-aged, but they… middle of paper… had distanced themselves from society. These humorous portraits prevent us from seeing how stern and devout he truly was. They do not show his incredible and undeniable love for God. Yet, St. Francis is probably one of the most favorite and loved saints of all. Bibliography:1. Delaney, John J. Dictionary of the Saints. New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1980.2. New Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6. Ill: Jack Heraty & Associates, Inc., 1981.3. Jorgensen, Johannes. Saint Francis of Assisi: a biography. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1947.4. Cunningham, Lawrence S. Saint Francis of Assisi. Boston: G. K. Hall & Co., 1976.5. Duquoc, Christian and Casiano Floristán. Francis of Assisi today. New York: The Seabury Press, 1981.6. DePaola, Tomie. Francis: The Poor Man of Assisi. New York: Vacation Home, 1982.