Topic > Pericles' Funeral Oration - 877

Pericles' Funeral Oration was a significant timestamp in 5th century Greece, Athens, and the classical world. In the funeral oration he deals with topics such as the superiority of the Athenians compared to other civilizations. Pericles also expresses his views on the reputation of Athens by undermining Homer and emphasizes his point of view on the role of the wives of fallen soldiers in the first year of the Peloponnesian War. The first known record in history of his speech was written by Thucydides in his book "The Peloponnesian Wars" as a statement about the values ​​and characteristics of Athens. The purpose of his speech was to show the people of Athens how great they were and how much greater they could become. His words in the speech showed the classical world that Athens had no flaws and was so great that no state could compare with it, making Athens the center of the world. Equality plays a very important role in maintaining function and peace. of every democracy, in his speech Pericles mentions how Athens' concept of isonomy helped prevent people from becoming jealous or angry at the actions of each citizen. “Our Constitution does not copy the laws of neighboring states; we are rather a model for others rather than imitators ourselves.” This is how Pericles perceives Athens' path of equality. Pericles' views on creating equal citizenship among both the wealthy and middle-class citizens of Athens were a revolution, and this form of democracy is still in use today. Some examples of how Athens shows their isonomy was by paying people to do jury duty, this meant that the poor could now go and vote for what they wanted and at the same time get paid to do so. The Ekklesiasterion was a meeting place for... by means of paper... Oration' was one of the great wonders of the classical world. In this speech he talked about many issues such as isnomia which helped ensure peace and harmony between the rich and poor citizens of Athens, secondly the greatness of Athens history which proved that it did not need Homer as a scribe and who could still be remembered for their deeds and finally the importance of the condition of deceased soldiers compared to that of widowed women. The purpose of this speech was to convince not only the Athenians, the surrounding states but also the classical world of the greatness of Athens. The oration was a persuasive text that showed no wrong to Athens but only its greatness and strength in battling the oceans and providing peace and justice. Pericles' funeral oration showed only the best of Athens and nothing else convincingly and made everyone know only a great Athens.