UN General Assembly 36-103 focused on issues of hostile relations between states and the justification of international interventions. At the UN General Assembly, the right of a State to intervene on the basis of "resolving outstanding international issues" and to contribute to the removal of global "conflicts and interference" was specifically mentioned (Resolution 36/103, e). examine the merits of these rights, what the General Assembly was advocating for and against, and explore relevant global events that may suggest the importance of this discussion and what it has achieved or materialized. The idea of intervention is favored or challenged due to multiple circumstances in which intervention in other states has had positive or negative outcomes. The General Assembly was supporting a state's right to intervene with the understanding that that state has a purpose for intervention and has a plan to present when seeking to resolve conflicts with the state. in question. The General Assembly supports this because intervention is necessary. This resolution focuses exclusively on the protection of human rights. The General Assembly recognizes that countries that are not superpowers ultimately need to intervene. They don't want states to do nothing because the state in question for intervention will continue to fall into the hands of corruption while nothing is done. The General Assembly has opposed foreign intervention, but with our argument emphasizes that intervention is a necessity when the result could potentially resolve conflicts and problems. In many cases intervention is necessary to protect human rights. For example; several governments around the world do not privilege their citizens with basic human rights. These citizens in turn rely on the middle... middle of paper... another state with the mentality of hoping to improve the overall atmosphere. While the intervention will always be up for debate, whether or not the intervention is just an excuse to invade, with the creation of this resolution and the topic under discussion, the intervention will most likely lead to positive results. One of the major contributors to the success of interventions is the intention of the state. If the intention is to resolve conflicts and intervene peacefully, which means an unlikely possibility of military application, the intervention will be successful. Works Cited Stewart, Rory and Gerald Knaus. Can the surgery work? New York: WW Norton &, 2011. Print.The United Nations. United Nations General Assembly Resolution 36/103 (1981). Np: np, nd Print.Griffin, David R. “Global Research.” Global search. Np, nd Web. November 29. 2013.