Topic > Energy Resources - 1021

Oil and geothermal energy are both things we use every day. We have based our lives on them and other similar resources. Oil is one of the world's major sources of transportation fuel. In its natural form, petroleum is a yellow to black flammable mixture. It is not man-made, it is found naturally on the earth's surface. It is also known as crude oil. ("What is oil", 2008) Oil can be both extracted and drilled. It is found deep within the earth. It is extremely expensive: extracting or drilling for oil costs $109.97 a gallon and is also very dangerous. A well used to extract oil is known as an oil well. Oil usually comes out of the ground on its own due to high pressure, but once the high pressure runs out, people use pumps to extract the oil from the ground. (Khanna, 2012)Oil has two different names with two different prices. One is for WTI and the other is for burned crude oil. WTI costs $97.80 per gallon, while Burnt Cude Oil costs $109.97 per gallon. ("crude oil and", 2013) WTI stands for West Texas Intermediates and burned crude oil is just North Sea oil. (“Crude Oil Burned,” 2013) Oil is a very important source of energy. It will most likely remain this way for many, many years to come. Even with the opportunity for alternative energy sources, oil will always be used. The only reason is that because we use it for everything from transportation to black t-shirts, petroleum is used. In 2008 alone, oil provided 34% of the world's energy needs. (“The Importance of,” 2010) Oil is formed when hydrocarbons combine with sulfur under extreme pressure. Most oil fields are made up of the remains of dead plants and animals, mostly small. After the dead animals and......middle of energy-geothermal energy. (2013). Retrieved from What are some disadvantages of geothermal energy (converse Energy Future? (2013). Retrieved from What are some advantages of geothermal energy (converse Energy ) future? (2013). Retrieved from www.converse-energy-future) What is needed to produce geothermal energy - (geothermal energy. (2013). Retrieved from What is the political impact of geothermal energy-(Energy geothermal (2013) retrieved from 3Recycling – (Chevron Corporation. (2001-2013). efficiency energy. Retrieved from Hubpages Inc. (2013) . How to save oil. Retrieved from How much money can be saved? (Linda Bailey. (2007, January). Public Transportation and Oil Savings in the United States. Retrieved from