Why do we as humans feel the need to blame someone for every negative situation that occurs? If we really look at the situation with great depth, we may find that an almost infinite amount of things can be "blamed" for the tragedy. Blaming an individual is useless: only fate can truly be blamed. Some characters who are most commonly blamed are Romeo and Juliet themselves. With their stubborn personalities and the love that seemed so sure, they had actually doomed themselves. Romeo was the first to promote the relationship at the Capulet party. For him it was a case of "love at first sight", so he felt obliged to look for Juliet on his balcony and enchant the engagement. However, the reality was that the relationship was doomed before it even began due to the parents' hatred for each other. Romeo knew that the two families did not get along, so he should have known that the relationship was unfortunate. Yet he still persisted in furthering the relationship. Surely he could have controlled his impulses and stayed in the bushes in front of Juliet's balcony on the night of the Capulets' party. On the other hand, love is often considered an impulsive thing, and the fact that Romeo was an impulsive person only made the situation worse. An example of Romeo's impulsive behavior was when he pursued Tybalt after Tybalt killed Mercutio, resulting in Tibet's death. Romeo was horrified by what he had done, and expressed that he felt very irresponsible by crying, "Oh, I am a fool!" Some might say Romeo's reactions were just out of love, but does that really make him any less sensitive? guilt? I'm sure that when the photographers chased Princess Diana in her car, ... middle of paper ... more likely that Juliet had married Paris as her parents wanted. Instead she was very stubborn about the situation. "I will not marry yet. And when I do, I swear I will do it to Romeo whom you know I hate, rather than to Paris..." Juliet certainly should have known that the results would be disastrous if she married a hated Montague. Some might say that Juliet's marriage to Paris would have been a tragedy in itself, but it would certainly have been far less serious than the loss of two lives! In conclusion, it is not at all said that the inventor of iron is not responsible, nor even the ancestor of the Capulets, they were simply examples of how foolish and useless it is to blame an individual. Indeed, in situations like these, no one is to blame. Every little thing contributes – so; the only thing that can be blamed is fate.