Some are new, some are old. Some of these dangers are contrary to God's purposes and are advocated by persuasive people who possess more skill than morality, more knowledge than wisdom. I would like to ask you the rhetorical question “Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?” Wisdom is found in pure intelligence, in that divine light that can guide people in all countries, in all climates and on all continents. President Thomas S. Monson said: “The future is often unknown; therefore, it is our duty to prepare for uncertainties. … I urge you to continue your education and acquire marketable skills so that if such a situation arises, you are prepared to respond.” We must seek learning by faith. We do this when we diligently gain spiritual knowledge through prayer, scripture study, and obedience, and when we seek the guidance of the Holy Ghost, who testifies of all truth. If we do our part to gain knowledge, the Holy Spirit can enlighten your minds. In addition to educating ourselves in temporal things, spiritual preparation is vital, and must be done individually. The parable of the ten virgins teaches this principle well. The ten virgins were invited to accompany the groom to the banquet, but only the five wise virgins were prepared with oil in their hands.