Shelley's writing was greatly influenced by the artistic movement that emerged in 19th century England. One of his most popular novels, Frankenstein, features one of the key aspects of romance: the romantic hero. In the excerpt of this novel in Fiero's The Humanistic Tradition it is shown that Doctor Frankenstein possesses the qualities of said hero. The plot of Shelly's Frankenstein highlights the arduous quest of Dr. Frankenstein's attempt to overcome the decaying effect of death. His aspirations and his ultimate "failure" are what characterize his character as the romantic hero of the novel. The excerpt from the novel highlights Doctor Frankenstein's conflict with the ambition of the romantic hero. The beginning of the passage primarily introduces Victor's ultimate goal of discovering a way to overcome the devastating and previously unstoppable force of death. He goes on to explain that he had become obsessed with the concept of completing this goal: “…It seemed as if I had lost all soul or feeling if not for this quest.” Note that his desire for the attainment of this knowledge has become...