Some believe that sciences are of two kinds; good and bad. Good science is defined by the Embo Report (2007) as “Good science is defined by having a good experimental design that helps reduce the number of animals used in research. This allows scientists to collect data using the minimum number of animals required” (p. 50). There are also consequences for good science seen in this quote (2007)” Good science also means that there is a sufficient number that must be used to allow “precise statistical analyzes and generate meaningful results to prevent repetition of experiments and the subsequent need for use more animals” (p. 50). Many who support animal rights believe that animal testing is cruel and murderous. For some of these tests the animals are given little time to heal. Furthermore, some animals do not even have a chance to live after the test. The testing process can be very tough and brutal. Bioresearch provides a perfect description of how some of these tests take place (2015). “To create these models, animals are subjected to invasive procedures, which can include surgery, traumatic injuries, burns, force-feeding, blood draws, biopsies, food, water and social