There were debates mentioned by Dove (2006:197) questioning whether any Indigenous people actually practiced conservation. This, however, is based on a Western model and understanding of conservation. Examining how conservation is viewed by non-Western populations requires more critical considerations (Dove 2006: 197). Conservation, as stated by indigenous peoples who attended the Fifth World Congress meeting, can be implemented without Western “models, management plans, monitoring and evaluation” (Brosius 2004:611). This begins to question the assumptions of conservation and the role that science and large conservation organizations should take (Brosius 2004:611). “Shepard's 2006 long-term research (as cited by Dove 2006:198) in Manu National Park in Peru challenged the Western assumption that resource conservation is not practiced among local communities. Another study by Schwartzman et. al. (2000) even argues that local populations may be best equipped for conservation against threats from the public and private sectors (as cited by Dove 2006:198). One factor in conservation is the intention to conserve (Dove 2006:197); however, there is also a modern practice for transforming unconscious actions into conscious decisions (Dove 2006:197). In a research study conducted with the Kayapo, it is suggested that the Kayapo have amplified conscious decisions towards their resource management practices. However, such practices are also seen as part of everyday life, some of which can be described as unconscious (as cited by Dove 2006:197). It can also be argued that behaviors aimed at conserving natural resources are not intentional (Dove 2006:197). While there is no real divide between the involuntary and the intentional… half of the paper… the WPC is an organization that enables diverse discourse between indigenous, local and nomadic groups, but its effectiveness at the national level limited policies and programs (Brosius 2004: 611). For mobile indigenous peoples, the World Alliance of Mobile Indigenous Peoples seeks to recognize their rights to mobility and open a dialogue between nomadic and sedentary populations living near protected areas (Brosius 2004: 610). Works CitedBrosius, J. Peter2004 Indigenous Peoples and Protected Areas at the World Parks Congress. Conservation Biology 18(3):609-612.Dove, Michael R.2006 Indigenous Peoples and Environmental Policy. Annual Review of Anthropology 35:191-208.Forsyth, Tim and Walker, Andrew2008 Forest guardians, forest destroyers: the politics of environmental knowledge in northern Thailand. University of Washington Press, Seattle.